New Patient

If you are a new patient or a patient considering chiropractic care, we would like you to know exactly what to expect with your first few visits. An initial visit will take around 45 minutes and will involve a thorough health history, an evaluation and physical examination, and an individualized treatment. We understand that no two patients are alike, and no two injuries are alike. Each treatment will be individualized for each patient in order to tailor to specific needs. To read more about the services provided at Tonawanda Chiropractic and Rehabilitation please check out our services page.

Follow up visits typically take 20 minutes and will involve a thorough physical examination of the area of complaint. Dr. Josh will continue or modify the previous treatment in order to aid in recovery. Following treatment, we will individualize an exercise and stretching routine in order to give patients the knowledge to aid in recovery from home.  

If you want to save some time before coming in for your first chiropractic visit, you can download our new patient intake forms ahead of time.